Our Mission

The mission of the Sisterhood of Sobriety is to create a safe and nurturing living environment, where women can build a firm foundation of recovery from addiction, while rebuilding their lives.

About The Sisterhood of Sobriety

The Sisterhood was founded in 2012 as the mutual spark of two health care professionals who were witnessing more and more women sliding into the abyss of addiction.  In the ensuing 12 years, The Sisterhood model of recovery has helped hundreds of women establish sobriety and move successfully back into the world with sanity, passion, and purpose.

Our Vision

Our vision is deeply rooted in compassion, understanding, and empowerment. We believe in the inherent worth and potential of every woman who walks through our doors, regardless of the battles she's fought or the scars she bears. At the Sisterhood of Sobriety, we offer more than a roof overhead, we offer a safe haven where healing can flourish. Ours is a home, where every woman is cherished and every story is honored.

Through our commitment to helping women break the cycle of addiction and transforming their lives, we aim to serve families and communities in the Tri-Valley Area and greater Bay Area. As a recovery community, we have established and continue to build a legacy of strength, resilience and hope.  

Our Program

Founded in 2012, The Sisterhood of Sobriety sought to fill several needs. The first and most obvious was the need for sober housing, exclusively for women. Next, it was to show women and mothers how to rebuild their lives, which had become centered around alcohol and drugs. Finally, the Sisterhood sought to help them find new purpose and meaning that could sustain them into a future without drugs and alcohol.  

While The Sisterhood is firmly rooted in the 12-Step Recovery Movement, which focuses on complete abstinence from drugs and alcohol over time, we firmly believe in introducing and supporting women to pursue a variety of methods, ranging from SMART Recovery and LifeRing Secular Recovery to cognitive behavioral therapies. The Sisterhood of Sobriety also incorporates meditation, self-care, and intentional camaraderie as principles by which we live here.

Our Results

The Sisterhood of Sobriety has graduated more than 300 alumni in its 12 years of existence. A substantial majority of those women have stayed clean and sober for multiple years and continue to remain so. Now that we are officially a non-profit organization, one of our near-term goals is to begin collecting and analyzing sobriety-relevant data, so that we can more accurately measure the successes and challenges of our program and residents. Obtaining this information will help us to understand what works, and where we can improve our programming.

What we know for sure is that our active alumni network often gives back by volunteering at the Sisterhood, sponsoring women at our property, and serving the recovery community in the Tri-Valley area and throughout California. We also host alumni-network potlucks every month.

Our Property

The Sisterhood of Sobriety is situated on a half-acre lot in the Tri-Valley area of California. Our residents live in a 7,000 square-foot former convent, which uniquely suits communal living balanced with privacy. Each woman has her own room with a sink and vanity. However, all residents share the fully-equipped kitchen and dining room, where Sunday dinner is held weekly. The house also has a library and meditation room, as well as a family room. The grounds consist of a secluded garden where some residents grow food in the spring and summer.

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Our Founders

Cristy Lyng, LCSW is a psychiatric social worker and addiction specialist with more than three decades of experience helping alcoholics, addicts, and those with dual-diagnoses to get well and stay sober.

Michael J. Jordan, MD is a retired physician and former colleague of Cristy’s who made the Sisterhood possible through his generous contributions of both capital and housing.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.




Cristy Lyng LCSW