Meet Sarah

Sarah’s story is a testament to the power of resilience, determination, and the life-changing impact of receiving the right support at the right time.

Sarah’s dreams were overshadowed by the relentless power of alcoholism. Having suffered from PTSD at a young age, Sarah was only able to quiet the torment she constantly relived by drinking. Disappointed by a judicial system that failed her, Sarah’s resolve quickly deteriorated, along with her dreams and ambitions. It was only after another devastating event that Sarah was able to make the courageous decision to seek professional help.

With the newfound knowledge Sarah gained in treatment, she found her way into The Sisterhood, where she found a safe sanctuary to process her trauma and connue working towards long-term sobriety. She has proven herself to be a shining example of strength, courage, and hope for others baling the same disease.

However, financial obstacles threaten to hinder Sarah’s progress. The cost of both continuing her education and residing in a sober living environment exceeds her current means.

Your donation will enable Sarah to stay housed at The Sisterhood and stay the course to realize her dreams and become a beacon of hope for others on their own paths of recovery.

*while Sarah’s story is true, her name has been changed to protect her anonymity

Sharon Reaves

Freelance web designer based in San Francisco.

Meet Brenda