Meet Brenda

Brenda is a dedicated young woman who has been facing the challenges of her addiction while also shouldering the responsibility of caring for her 2 younger siblings.

Brenda recognizes the need for professional help as her alcoholism has taken it’s toll on her personal life and overall wellbeing. In the depths of despair, she found the courage to enter a treatment program to regain control of her life.

Completing treatment is just the first step in Brenda’s journey in reclaiming her life. Brenda firmly believes the next step for her is to transition into a sober living environment where she can be in an alcohol-free environment, amongst other women working on their ongoing rehabilitation.

Moving into The Sisterhood will provide Brenda the opportunity to reside in a supportive and inclusive home to enhance her chances of maintaining sobriety, strengthening family bonds, and pursuing educational and career goals.

Your thoughtful donations will not only invest in Brenda’s personal growth and recovery but also the future prospects of her siblings.
*while Brenda’s story is true, her name has been changed to protect her anonymity

Sharon Reaves

Freelance web designer based in San Francisco.

Meet Sarah


Meet Rachel