Meet Rachel

Rachel’s story is one of vulnerability and determination. She stands at a crossroads, where the shadow of alcoholism looms large, threatening to consume everything she holds dear. As the breadwinner of her family, the weight of responsibility grows heavier. The financial burden, coupled with the overwhelming cost of providing for her children, has left her teetering on the edge of a difficult decision.

Living at The Sisterhood has provided Rachel with the tools and support of a united community to reach her short-term recovery goals. Due to financial stress, Rachel is faced with the decision to move back home and return to work in the early stages of recovery despite the progress she has undoubtedly made living at The Sisterhood.

Your financial contribuon toward Rachel’s scholarship fund will help her remain at The Sisterhood unl she has a firm foundaon before returning to a high-stress job and seling back home with

her family.

*while Rachel’s story is true, her name has been changed to protect her anonymity

Sharon Reaves

Freelance web designer based in San Francisco.

Meet Brenda


Meet Lucy