Meet Lucy

Lucy is a mother of 2 young children, who has struggled with alcoholism for many years. Before the grip of her disease ghtened, Lucy was a dedicated wife and mother. Once a hardworking and skilled woman, Lucy’s life took a sharp turn when her alcoholism took control.

In the depths of her drinking, she lost custody of her 2 young children. This heart-wrenching consequence fueled her movaon to seek help and enter treatment, while she earned her way into The Sisterhood. Though she faces numerous obstacles, Lucy remains steadfast in her determinaon to regain what she has lost and create a beer life for herself and her children.

With your financial support, she can stay housed at The Sisterhood and connue to rebuild her life in sobriety.

That journey begins with building a solid foundaon and securing stable housing is an essenal step on this path. Financial assistance with her rent would alleviate the immediate monetary burden and provide her with the stability necessary to focus on her recovery. Your support can empower Lucy to rise above her challenges and lay the groundwork for a future filled with hope, recovery, and the chance to reclaim what was lost.

*while Lucy’s story is true, her name has been changed to protect her anonymity

Sharon Reaves

Freelance web designer based in San Francisco.

Meet Rachel


Meet McKenzie