Meet McKenzie

Olivia’s journey began with a deep yearning for change. Her spirit, battered and scarred, longed for solace and stability.

Olivia’s life was an endless cycle of pain and struggle. Consumed by alcoholism, she had endured unspeakable abuse and found herself trapped in a cycle of homelessness. Yet, amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged, illuminating her path toward recovery. She discovered a ray of hope at a local shelter for abused women. This safe haven offered Olivia a nurturing environment to get her stable enough to take the next step, which led her to The Sisterhood.

With gratitude, Olivia embraced her new home at The Sisterhood. Surrounded by compassionate women who understood her struggles, she found comfort in their shared stories of survival and rehabilitation. The path to renewal was not without obstacles. Olivia’s financial circumstances have threatened her progress.

With your generous contribution, Olivia can stay housed at The Sisterhood and connue to rebuild her life in sobriety.

Your contribuon will help women like Olivia to break the cycle of abuse and homelessness in order to conquer her alcoholism. Together, we can be the catalysts for her resurgence - one that will inspire others to reclaim and rewrite their stories.

*while Olivia’s story is true, her name has been changed to protect her anonymity

Sharon Reaves

Freelance web designer based in San Francisco.

Meet Lucy


Fund A Scholarship